What is Continuing Education for Psychologists?
Knowledge in the field of psychology is constantly advancing. It is important for psychologists to be aware of the latest developments; continuing education (CE) is one way psychologists can keep abreast of the latest advancements in the field.
After psychologists earn their graduate degree, complete their supervised post-doctoral work hours, pass their licensing exam (i.e., EPPP), and finish any remaining state-specific requirements they can work as a licensed psychologist. Once licensed, psychologists must maintain certain standards to keep their license active. Accrual of CE experiences and credits is a requirement for clinical license maintenance in many states.
While there are state-specific content requirements (i.e., 3 CE Credits in professional ethics in NY), psychologists can engage in any approved CE activity that interests them or is related to their area of expertise. Any CE course you choose should be approved by your state licensing board, otherwise, the hours will not count toward relicensing requirements.
Number of CEs required in New York for Psychologists:
As of January 1, 2021, all psychologists licensed by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) are required to complete 36 hours of approved continuing education (CE) courses for each registration period, which is three years. This is the equivalent of 1 CE unit per month. Psychologists are required to complete CE before they renew their registration and must attest to completing 36 CEs at the time of renewal. While no proof of CEs is required, NYSED states that they may require proof of completion later (see “Record Keeping” below), so it is advisable to save certificates of activity completion or document activities as you complete them.
Psychologists that are newly licensed are not required to complete CEs during their initial three-year registration period (even if you were previously licensed in another state). If you are renewing your registration between January 1, 2021, and January 1, 2024, the number of CE credits required will vary depending on when your registration expires. Note: registration renewals occur in the month of your birth, so your next registration period will begin the month after your birthday.
There are no restrictions on how you distribute your 36 credits (i.e., you can complete all 36 credits at once or spread them out over the course of the three-year period).
**Please note, in the state of New York, 3 of the 36 hours are required to be accrued in the area of professional ethics, including the laws, rules and regulations for practice in New York State in any 36-month period.
Credit Requirements by Registration Date

What are the ways that Psychologists can earn CE Credits in NY?
All courses must be taken from psychology providers that are approved by the State Education Department. Only courses taken from approved providers on or after January 1, 2021, are accepted.
In addition to attending CE-eligible courses, the following activities are CE-eligible:
What are the CE record-keeping requirements?
CE Eligible Course Attendance
Psychologists should save CE provider issued Certificates of Completion delivered after completion of a CE-eligible course and post-test evaluation. You and the certificate issuer are required to retain these records for 6 years from the date of completion.
A Certificate of Completion should include the following information:
- name of licensee completing the course, licensed profession, and license number
- title of the course or program, subject area, and any identification number assigned to it by the provider
- the educational method used (e.g., live in-person, live online, and/or self-study)
- number of contact hours completed
- the approved provider's name and any identifying number
- verification by the provider of the licensee’s attendance or participation
- the date and location (city/state) of the course or activity
- a statement indicating that the organization is approved by NYSED for licensed psychologist CEs
Other CE Eligible Activities
For other CE-eligible activities, the following records are required. This list is not exhaustive:
- Course descriptions, handouts and brochures that may document your preparation and teaching of a course offered by a NYSED-approved CE provider to licensed psychologists.
- Syllabi, power point slides, and examinations that are part of a course that was prepared and taught for the first time in a higher education institution or psychotherapy institute.
- Narrative account of what was learned and an overall written evaluation of an independent study learning activity
- Documentation of participation in a mentorship relationship, as a mentor or mentee, that includes the name of the mentor and mentee, mentee goals, the teaching plan of the mentor, the evaluation of the mentee by the mentor, the narrative account of the mentee of what was learned, and the evaluation of the mentorship by the mentee or mentor, as appropriate.
NYSED randomly audits a percentage of licensees each month. You must provide the Department with your Certificates of Completion for each approved CE course or records for other educational activities, when requested. In no cases will self-reporting forms be acceptable.
Continuing Education Requirements by State
Every state has its own requirements for psychology CE and many psychologists are licensed in multiple states. Note you must satisfy CE hours requirements for each state that you are licensed in.
For more detailed information about your state specific CE requirements, check your state’s psychology board website.
- Required CE Hours: 36 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: None
- CE Completion Deadline: By end of renewal period
- Psychology Board Website: California Board of Psychology
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: None
- CE Completion Deadline: August 31, odd-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Colorado State Board of Psychologist Examiners
- Required CE Hours: 10 hours every year
- CE Topic Requirements: None
- CE Completion Deadline: By end of renewal period
- Psychology Board Website: Connecticut Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics
- CE Completion Deadline: July 31, odd-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Delaware Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics and Florida’s psychology laws, 2 hours of medical errors, 2 hours of domestic violence (every 6 years)
- CE Completion Deadline: May 31, even-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Florida Board of Psychology
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics, 3 hours of psychopharmacology, 3 hours of diversity (for your first CE renewal)
- CE Completion Deadline: December 31, even-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Georgia Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics
- CE Completion Deadline: January 31
- Psychology Board Website: Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Required CE Hours: 20 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: None
- CE Completion Deadline: June 30, even-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists
New Hampshire
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 6 hours of ethics
- CE Completion Deadline: Year determined by year of licensure
- Psychology Board Website: New Hampshire Board of Psychology
New Jersey
- Required CE Hours: 40 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 4 hours of domestic violence
- CE Completion Deadline: June 30, odd-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: New Jersey Board of Psychological Examiners
New York
- Required CE Hours: 36 hours every 3 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics, 3 hours on the topic of appropriate professional boundaries
- CE Completion Deadline: Date based on year of licensure
- Psychology Board Website: New York State Office of the Professions: Psychology
- Required CE Hours: 30 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 3 hours of ethics
- CE Completion Deadline: November 30, odd-numbered years
- Psychology Board Website: Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology
- Required CE Hours: 60 hours every 2 years
- CE Topic Requirements: 6 hours of ethics
- CE Completion Deadline: January 31
- Psychology Board Website: Vermont Board of Psychological Examiners
Useful links: